Exclusive—Scott Perry on Wall Funding: President Trump ‘Doesn’t Blink Very Often’ in a Fight

Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) told Breitbart News in exclusive interviews on Thursday that Democrats should remain cautious in a battle over wall funding because President Donald Trump “does not blink very often” in a fight.

The House will likely vote on Thursday night on border wall funding after President Donald Trump signaled on Thursday that he will not accept a short-term continuing resolution (CR) without border wall funding. Trump also threatened to veto any legislation that comes before him without border security funding.

“I’ve made my position very clear,” Trump said. “Any measure that funds the government must include border security.”

The House Freedom Caucus, including both Reps. Perry and Jody Hice, led a special order on Wednesday night to urge the president to include border wall funding in the spending bill. Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) said that House conservatives will back him if he vetoes any legislation without border security funding.

Rep. Perry said that Democrats should remain cautious in a border wall funding fight because Trump is a skilled negotiator who does not “blink very often” in a fight.

The Pennsylvania Republican also said Democrats face tough political odds in that they would have to explain to their constituents why they would rather shut down the government than secure America’s southern border.

Congressman Perry told Breitbart News that he believes the House will pass the spending bill with $5 billion in border wall funding and that Senate Democrats will have a tough time opposing the border security measure.

“Nine Democrats are going to explain to their constituents, their bosses, why they would rather shut down the government than stop the flow of illegal immigrants, human trafficking, and fentanyl and opioids,” Perry said. “If they can make that case to their constituents, God bless them.”

Perry said, “I think once we have that conservation they’re going to be in a very tenuous situation. We’re not going to know until we force that conversation.”

Rep. Hice said he’s very encouraged to see the president take a stand for border security funding.

Hice told Breitbart News, “I’m thrilled to see the movement for us to fight for the wall to secure our borders.”

“I don’t believe in four years I’ve seen our conference more unified than today, they’re saying let’s stand and fight,” Hice added.

Hice continued, “This is such a small price to ask, you’re talking about one day of funding of our federal government to build this wall. This is a small price to pay for border security.”

The Georgia Republican said that the fight for the wall is just the beginning for Trump’s America First immigration policy.

Hice explained, “The wall is just the beginning. There’s a lot more to do, such as making E-Verify mandatory, the asylum loopholes need to be closed, and we need merit-based immigration reform.”

Rep. Hice said, “If we can’t build it, shame on us if we don’t do what we said we would do.”

Other Republicans such as Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said on Fox News that he will vote against any bill that does not include border wall funding. Gaetz said:

Do we actually think we’re going to get a better deal from Nancy Pelosi when she’s Speaker of the House? This is the time to fight. This is our last chance to get the President his wall because we won’t be able to get it without a 7-million-person amnesty package when Pelosi is speaker. I don’t care if every Senator and Congressman has to cancel their Christmas – we’re going to stay here, we’re going to work, and we’re going to deliver on our promises.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) told Breitbart News on Thursday that he continues to fight Republican and Democrat leadership to obtain wall funding to secure America’s borders.

Gosar said:

All we kept hearing from leadership is that Schumer won’t put Pelosi in a precarious position to get the votes. You know what? Leadership is tough. And I’m not making it easy for any of them. I’m fighting my leadership, and I’ll be fighting their leadership, so the point is: let’s do what’s right for the American people. Trust is a series of promises kept, a promise that we made four times over. The same play call has been called before, and it doesn’t work; it’s time to invent a new idea.

Gosar added, “We need to do our job, and that’s planting the flag, holding our ground. It’s not going to be fun, but if we do it with the American public in mind, you can’t lose.”

Congressman Perry concluded, “I think it’s good that the American people can see that’s fighting for this.”

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