Watch — Dennis Prager to Young Conservatives: ‘Everything the Left Touches, It Ruins’

Iconic conservative radio host and best-selling author Dennis Prager railed against the left’s relentless attacks on traditional values, higher education, entertainment, and sports on Wednesday during Turning Point USA’s 2018 Student Action Summit.

Dennis Prager opened his fiery speech by telling the audience of young activists that he was conflicted on what to speak about.

“Do I tell you how wonderful America is, or do I tell you how dangerous the Left is,” Prager asked of himself. “I decided on the second because when you go to a doctor, you don’t want to hear how well you are. You want to know how to conquer the cancer that is eating at your system.”

Prager, whose PragerU social media-based educational organization sued YouTube and its parent company Google, also distinguished the differences between liberals and leftists.

“Liberals are not leftists, but they foolishly, foolishly, fear the right more than the left,” Prager stated. “We are liberals’ best friends. The left is the enemy of liberalism.”

“The only thing liberals and leftists have in common, the only thing, is support for bigger government. But on liberty, one of the central issues of liberalism, the left is anti-liberty. Liberty is not a left-wing value.”

Dennis Prager then shifted to describing how the Left is tarnishing some of America’s most favored values.

“Everything the left touches, it ruins,” Prager said. “It is a force for destruction.”

He later provided a few examples.

“The left has ruined English departments and ruined anthropology departments and ruined all of the social science departments,” he said. “The boy scouts are no longer the boy scouts, because they take girls. The left has pushed them to take girls into the boy scouts.”

“Doing good is irrelevant to the left, feeling good is all that matters,” Prager claimed.

Prager then slammed the American Left’s attempt at hijack sporting events.

“There was a space for Americans, a little space that had always been carved out where left and right, Jew and Christian, Atheist and Buddhist could all get together and cheer for the home team,” Prager said. “A football game, a baseball game, a basketball game, a hockey game, not anymore. That’s it, they ruined it.”

“If you leave here knowing only that everything the left touches it ruins, my visit from California will have been totally worth it.”

Prager then slammed Nike and former NFL quarterback-tuned left-wing activist Colin Kaepernick. Prager referred to Kaepernick as the “poster boy” for Nike.

“Colin Kaepernick helped ruin football. Sports was one of the few places where we didn’t want your politics to enter.”

Prager concluded his speech by giving a farewell message that he said he would tell his own daughter.

“If you are going to compromise on what you believe for grades in college now, what won’t you compromise on what you believe later in life?”

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