A lawyer and former Obama administration official blasted the statement of White House physician Sean Conley that praised President Donald Trump’s “very good health” and predicted that it would last through his presidency, calling it a “disgrace.”
“While the reports and recommendations are being finalized, I am happy to announce the president of the United States is in very good health and I anticipate he will remain so for the duration of his presidency, and beyond,” Conley said in a statement on Friday following four hours of physical examinations of the president.
Ronald Klain, who was in charge of the US response to the Ebola epidemic in parts of West Africa during Barack Obama’s presidency, blasted the doctor’s statement on Twitter on Saturday.
“No doctor can predict someone’s future health,” Klain wrote. “This is a disgrace to an office with a great tradition of professionalism. Just another institution turned into a joke by a President determined to make anyone willing to submit an instrument of his lies.”
Klain served as Chief of Staff to former Vice Presidents Al Gore and Joe Biden in addition to his role in the Obama administration.
Trump received similarly glowing results after his first physical exam as president in January 2018.
“The President’s overall health is excellent,” White House doctor, Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, who also served as Obama’s physician, wrote in last year’s report.
Jackson did note that Trump would “benefit from a diet that is lower in fat and carbohydrates and from a routine exercise regimen” and that he was currently taking medication to control elevated cholesterol. But the report wrapped up by saying, “All clinical data indicates that the President is currently very healthy and that he will remain so for the duration of his Presidency.”
Last year, Trump weighed 239 pounds, had a resting heart rate of 68 beats per minute, blood pressure of 122/74, and total cholesterol of 223 (HDL 67, LDL 143), as Business Insider previously reported. A stress test found above-average exercise capacity and a cognitive assessment was normal.
This year’s details on Trump’s weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels have not yet been released.
from Viral Update News http://bit.ly/2I5QTgH