One corner of the market stayed red-hot during the last recession. Here’s why investors will have to find a new place to hide during the next collapse.

When the economy is in utter disarray, consumer spending is drying up, and lending conditions are tightening, people still have to eat.

It’s for that simple reason that the catering industry is viewed as particularly defensive and capable of hanging around during tough times.

If you’re not sold, consider a situation in which a big corporation would normally foot the bill for a big restaurant outing. Once purse strings get tighter, those companies are far more likely to get catering delivered to the office. That line of thinking gives the industry a big boost.

And the numbers bear this out, at least when it comes to the recession that rocked the global economy roughly a decade ago.

The UK-based Compass Group reported 36% earnings-per-share growth in 2009, while the French catering giant Sodexo saw expansion of 6%. Both outpaced the average consumer stock by a large margin, according to data compiled by Bernstein.

That translated to outsize stock-market performance, as both stocks surged 50% relative to the broader market during the period from August 2009 to June 2010.

Read more: Here’s why the next recession could be unlike any the US has ever seen

With all of that established, you might be thinking that the most prudent option for defending against the next recession would be to rotate into the same catering names that smashed the market during the latest downturn.

But Bernstein says not so fast.

“We have reason to doubt this performance is repeatable in another recession,” the senior analyst Richard J. Clarke wrote in a recent client note. “We would therefore expect the sector to disappoint to the downside if a recession hit.”

Read more: 2 notorious recession signals are descending into the danger zone, and they have some Wall Street strategists convinced that a meltdown is fast approaching

The firm finds that the following four developments will stop a repeat performance in its tracks:

  1. “There has been a shift in where revenue growth has come from: now more focused on cyclical B&I (business & industry) growth”
  2. “The industry is more consolidated, competitive and open to disruption”
  3. “The companies are more lean, meaning less ability to take cost out in the next downturn”
  4. “Expectations are much higher, with the stocks are the highest relative multiples for over 5 years. Into 2009, the stocks had heavily derated into the 2009 reporting and then impressed to the positive.”

The first point laid out by Bernstein is perhaps the most damning, because it challenges catering’s very nature as a defensive entity.

With sales expansion spreading into more cyclical areas, the industry is no longer the haven it once was. When you combine that with the fourth point laid out above — that stocks are already being overly pumped up by strong profit-growth forecasts — you have a situation ready-made for sharp, sudden losses.

Read more: GOLDMAN SACHS: Earnings are drying up as a recession looms — but you should still buy these 17 stocks to profit from their exploding margins

So what’s an investor to do? Banks across Wall Street have some ideas.

In January, Goldman Sachs put together a list of 17 stocks set to continue growing their margins in 2019, regardless of what the economy does. The idea there is that they’ll be equipped to outperform in the event of a full-fledged recession.

Morgan Stanley has weighed in as well, albeit with a contrarian view. The firm said in recent research that investors would be best served to rotate into cyclical areas. While Morgan Stanley isn’t totally sold on the fundamental picture for these companies, it notes that defensive positions have gotten overextended to the upside and are therefore likely to reverse.

Ultimately, everyone is just scrambling to make sure they’re covered in the event of an economic downturn.

Whether that means looking beyond catering stocks or seeking out high-margin-growth companies, one thing is certain: The market is on notice, and the next big development is anyone’s guess.

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