Zac Efron could literally dye his hair bright green and still look like an absolute babe, which is why it’s no huge surprise that he’s still a 10/10 dreamboat after going platinum blond.
The actor showed off his new look at the Sundance Film Festival, and images from the event are already inspiring a ~lot~ of thirst across social-media.
Fans took to Twitter to give their verdict on his new appearance, with one person writing: “I want this Zac Efron to disrespect me,” another saying that his hair is “a blessing,” and a third pointing out that he could “literally” run them over and they’d still say thanks.
Everyone’s feelings can be best summed up by the following comment.
The 31-year-old is currently promoting upcoming movie Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, in which he portrays serial killer Ted Bundy.
Despite some people claiming he’s “too attractive” for the role, Zac told Variety: “Initially, I had reservations about playing a serial killer. I’ve seen people make horror films like this before, and it seems like an aggressive play to separate yourself from a perceived image.
He added that this movie in particular tells the “unique” story of a human being who managed to charm a lot of people into believing he wasn’t capable of the crimes he later admitted to.
We’re not certain if the blond hair is for an upcoming movie role or if Zac just fancied a change, but one thing’s for sure; he’s looking good.
from Viral Update News